Gloria Brinker – Occupational therapy. Massage therapist, reflexologist, NES practitioner: Deep dive into GLP-1. What it is. How it works. How to get the body to make it. It’s not just about weight loss

Dr. Sveta Silverman – pediatric surgeon and surgical pathologist GLP-1 Activation Training

Dr. Neil Goodman gives his opinion and advice on the new GLP-1 Activation System

Executive Consultant Erika Dale talks about GLP-1 and her experience trialing the system.

Study Results are in!

A New Study on our GLP-1 System!

Results from the in vitro study revealed not only a significant increase in GLP-1 production but also a synergistic activation of the key genes responsible for its synthesis and regulation. Notably, there was a downregulation of DPP-4 gene expression, which allows for more GLP-1 to be available to work within the body.

This in vitro study confirms the harmonious nature of our innovative two-product system that approaches GLP-1 activation through both direct activation of L-cells and optimizing the gut microbiome in the colon to enhance GLP-1 production.

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